quarta-feira, junho 15, 2005

Quem sabe de que série é essa música???

The summer sun has come to stay
Bikinis, tans, outrageous legs
They're all retarded and they all look the same
And Barbie's body's melting down
On her face a big fat frown
'Cause "Mr. Cellulite" just moved into town

Well me and B, we hate supermodels
It's not that we know anyone personally
It's just that I'm tired of being compared

The boys they come here
With expectations for the summer
And I refuse to take any part of this barbaric ritual
Because God has given me a mind
That I will use from time to time
And I got more on my head that what's made by Paul Mitchell

Well me and B, we hate supermodels
It's not that we know anyone personally
It's just that I'm tired of being compared

Was it worth the tears you cried to fit the size?

Think it over once or twice
What lasts the longest in this life
Character or rock hard thighs
And in the end do you believe that
beauty lies in what you see
Because if you do then baby
You've been deceived


Eu tava vendo ER hoje e de repente vi a Brooke McQueen como uma das residentes, aí lembrei da música de abertura e resolvi postar. A letra é muito boa!
Também foi bom porque ontem eu vi a estréia de Life as we know it na Sonny e não conseguia lembrar de onde eu já tinha visto a mãe do Dino, aí eu lembrei que era a mãe da Sam McPhearson.

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